Sunday 28 June 2015

Charity Book Clear Out

I was sorting out the bookshelves to take a load of stuff to the charity shop and from the seven big bags of stuff I thought that some fellow gamers may want some of them so I sorted about 35 out and they are available for £1.00 each that will be donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust plus postage at cost.
Paypal Friends and Family only please.

SOLD - Piers

SOLD - Piers

SOLD - Piers

Sold - Michael

SOLD - Courtney

SOLD - Tom

SOLD - Courtney

SOLD - Piers

SOLD - Courtney

SOLD - Piers

SOLD - Piers

Sold - Michael

SOLD - Courtney

Ian Weekly is SOLD

SOLD - Courtney

SOLD - Tom

SOLD - Piers

SOLD - Courtney

SOLD - Tom

SOLD - Courtney

Sold - Michael

SOLD - Courtney

Ian Heath, armies of the 19th Century, Asia China
SOLD - Tom

Sold - Mike

Sold Tom

Another crack at bagging the Admiral

Nearly three years ago, John and I played the 'Bag the Admiral' scenario. Well, on Tuesday evening Martin and I had another crack at it.

Again, we would use Bag the Hun to re-fight the Operation Vengeance mission to take out Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.

The US Army Airforce would field a flight of four P38-G Lightnings, while the Japanese Naval Airforce would field a two Shoktai of three Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero escorting two Mitsubishi G4M2 Betty. The neither player would not know which Betty contained the Admiral, we would randomise which after the game ended.

The card deck comprised:

  • Junior Ace Card
  • Allied Section 1 Move
  • Allied Section 1 Fire
  • Allied Section 1 Leader
  • Allied Formation Bonus Card
  • Axis Section 1 Move
  • Axis Section 1 Fire
  • Axis Section 1 Leader
  • Axis Section 2 Move
  • Axis Section 2 Fire
  • Axis Section 2 Leader
  • Bombers Move
  • Bombers Fire
  • Axis Formation Bonus Card
  • Altitude Bonus Card

We randomised who would take which side and I would again be playing the USAAF while Martin played the Japanese.

The second pair of Lightnings dashed off to try and take out the Bettys while the first pair tried to take on the overwhelming numbers of Zeroes.

The Lightnings closed in on the bombers and immediately Barber opened up and one Betty was on fire trailing smoke, while one of the Zero pilots was hit and killed.

The second pair did a great job of keeping the Zeroes engaged, but eventually Lanphiers plane was shot down and crashed into the jungle with no chute seen.

Return fire from the Bettys saw Hines aircraft badly damaged, he kept in the fight but was soon out of ammo and heading for home. Now it was just Barber and Holmes alone against five Zeroes and two Bettys. The fire on the first Betty was soon extinguished, but undaunted Barber got onto the tail of the second Betty, unleashing a stream of fire the bomber pilot, co-pilot and rear gunner were killed and one engine was on fire, out of control the bomber spiralled into the jungle.

With one Betty down and another damaged, the Zeroes were swarming so the three remaining Lightnings accelerated away and taking advantage of the cloud cover broke contact with the Japanese.

Randomising, it was indeed Yamamotos' Betty that had crashed into the jungle, just like last time success for the USAAF.

The aircraft are all from Tumbling Dice from my own collection.

Haile Selassie

At Partizan last month I picked up a Haile Selassie from the lovely chaps at Curteys Miniatures.

This has been sculpted by Mark after a request on the Lead Adventure Forum.

It's a great figure to paint and full of character. The basecoat for the uniform and sun helmet is German Cammo Beige, the cloak lining is Flat Green and the flesh done off a mix of Beige Brown and US Tan Earth.

A few more close ups of the chap.

General Bauduin

This years give away figure at Partizan was the rather splendid General Bauduin figure sculpted by chum Bill Thornhill of Footsore Miniatures.

Bauduin was killed leading the attack on Hougoumont during the Battle of Waterloo just over 200 years ago on 18th June 1815.

A rather splendid figure who was a joy to paint. It was all Vallejo paints, the coat being Dark Prussian Blue, the gold being Brass highlighted with Gold and then a touch of Silver.

Here are a few more shots.

Warbases WWI vehicles

The painting mojo has been week these past few weeks, but I have done a few bits and bobs.

This pair are the Warbases Albion Truck and Model T ambulance that they very kindly sent after I had won the give-away competition from their Facebook page.

Assembly was very easy, following the instructions on their web page (you can see in this post), and after a quick spray of matt black painting took just a few minutes each. The Model T being done from a basecoat of Brown Violet and the Albiom from a basecoat of Reflective Green.

 Made a nice change from all those muddy Poilu.