Thursday, 16 February 2012

Black Powder Casualty Markers

The holiday painting continues, this morning I finished off eight casualty markers. I've done three as Light Infantry and the other five as Line Infantry Three have also had head swaps to give them Polekom.

When I get home these will be based on the last eight Dial Dude markers that I have. This brings the total of casualty markers up to 20 so should be enough for a good sized game.


  1. Have you seen the Dial Casualty markers by Warbases? Pretty good price and in the UK.

  2. Yes, I have bought some of those since, it is just that I purchased 20 of the Dial Dude ones last year before Warbases started doing them.

  3. Very nice work on the markers.

  4. These are good fun, resisted the urge to splash blood around then Scrivs?

  5. Just like the movies Jeremy, in my games they go down with a faint gasp and no visible injury.....
