Sunday, 21 April 2013

Salute 2013 - The morning after the day before

Andy Hawes Twilight of Brittania force
So, the alarm goes off at oh-my-gawd-it's-three-thirty, it's a small matter of wiping the sleep from my eyes, getting dressed and into the car and off to Littleover to pick up John. Then it's over to the Wyvern to meet up with James and Tom a quick transfer of everything into James' car and we are off to Salute.

A good couple of hours later we are in the Excel, we meet up with Steve and are soon setting up our games. The two Andys from Peterborough arrive shortly and our complement is complete.
Arthur leads his Commitatus

We will be running two side-by-side Dux Bellorum games, a large 64-point game of the Barbarian Conspiracy featuring the armies of Steve Jones and James Morris on a 8ft x 6ft table and a regular sized 32-point Arthurian game featuring Andy Hawes' beautiful Twilight of Brittania army and my rather more shonky Early Saxons.

The majority of the terrain had been created by Steve Jones and the remainder provided by James Morris. Steve had made a rather splendid hill fort that you can see on his blog here. Our intention was to have action in at least one of the battles at all times and to try to keep spectators involved with running commentary and comment.
The Barbarian Conspiracy by James Morris

It was a great day, Andy and I managed to play out our Twilight of Brittania game twice with the Saxons coming out on top both times. I am almost hoarse this morning with all the chatting and glad handling, but I think we managed to enthuse a lot of people about this particular and often overlooked gaming period and to the Dux Bellorum rules. Many people said they had bought the rules and had not gotten around to playing them and would certainly be giving them a try.

Steve Jones' Late Romans
I had a great day and over the course of that day met up with some good friends, many of whom I'd not seen for quite some time, several years in some cases. To top it off, we were presented with the Salute 2013 Best Painting prize.

I finally made it home at about 9:30 in the evening, knackered but somewhat elated.

My hairy Saxon battle line
And my 'spend' at Salute, up to 16:00 I had only spent one pound! But this sad state of affairs had to end, so I went to the Perry Miniatures stand and purchased their Desert Rats and Universal Carrier deal for £30.00. That's right, without petrol, parking and snacks I had only spent £31.00 at Salute, I think I need to see a doctor!

Here are some more pictures of our games, all the figures are from and by James Morris, Steve Jones, Andy Hawes and myself, the terrain is by Steve Jones and James Morris.

The team for the day was Steve Jones, Andy McTaggart, James Morris, John Grant, Tom Webster Deakin and myself. Thank you chaps!

More of James' Picts and Irish

More of James' Picts and Irish

More of Steves Late Romans

Andy Hawes Shieldwall forms against the Saxon onslaught

Andy Hawes Noble Riders

The beautiful fort by Steve Jones

The Saxon Warriors crash into the British Shieldwall

British Shieldwall

Arthur and his Comitatus again

Arhur gets stuck into the Saxons

The battle lines clash

The British left flank is under a lot of pressure

We won the Best Painting prize!


  1. Fantastic looking armies and games!

  2. Scrivs, based on those pictures, I'd say a very, very well deserved award. Those armies look fantastic!


  3. Superb! I really must make the effort and get to Salute next year if only to see the games tables and displays. Well done on the Painting Award - well deserved.


  4. Great write-up and congrats on the prize! Sorry I couldn't be there... :-(

  5. Well deserved prize - congrats!

  6. Thanks chaps, glad you all liked it.

  7. Beautiful miniatures & terrain, guys. What size are the troop bases that you are using?

  8. Hi Clay, the bases are a 120mm frontage

  9. Epic looking battles, a well deserved trophy I would say. Must give the game another go at some point!

  10. Hello thanks for all the effort, my son and I agreed that your games were the most interesting at Salute and I am not surprised you won the award. It is also interesting to read your travelogue as I am hoping to take my game "Wellington's First Battle" to Salute next year.

    1. I remember seeing your game at Retford, we were doing the Siege of Valencia upstairs.

  11. Very well deserved! Thanks for sharing. I just started gaming and painting Dark Ages this year and I'll be back for inspiration. The British unit with the black and white color scheme might be my favorite!

  12. Great figures and terrain with lots to look at.

  13. hi again, really good to catch up - sorry we didn't take in the painting for chatting! It must have been good to scoop the prize though.
    Take care

    1. Cheers Jeremy, it was good to catch up with you. Hope we can get a game in one of these days.

  14. Thanks for all the comments, it was a pleasure to contribute in some way towards the award.

  15. Hi Paul, Alan and I have been getting back into the Dark Ages of late, and your posts continue to inspire a full 10 years later! Thanks mate :-)

    BTW This was out game at the start of this year, which inspired me to build my own Early Saxon force (and yes we are using 12cm base widths too - just gives a great feel to them!)
