Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Japanese anti-tank troops and another Type 92 MMG

Continuing with the busy weekend of painting, yesterday I managed to polish off another couple of blisters of Assault Group Japanese

First of all a second Type 92 machine gun to go with the one I already have:

The other blister was a pack of anti-tank teams armed with all manner of suicidal weapons, first a couple of pole mines:

 A Molotov Cocktail seems almost sane by comparison:

Finally, a wait in a hole with a 105mm shell and run at any tank that dives past......

I also took the opportunity to rephotograph the figures from my earlier post, I think they have come out rather better this time using natural daylight:

Universal Carrier from 9th btn Border Regiment

Universal Carrier from 9th btn Border Regiment

Generic truck

Generic truck

Artizan Sikhs with Lee Enfield

Artizan Sikhs with Lee Enfield

Assault Group Japanese

Assault Group Japanese


  1. Very cool additions, Paul. Love the Universal Carrier, and those are some very unconventionally armed Japanese - the guy peaking out of the hole is awesome. Best, Dean

  2. Thanks Dean, the carrier is a lovely model, but sure is a pain to clean up and stick together, lots of wafer thin flaps of resin even after a long time with scalpels, files and sand paper.
    It seems that being Japanese anti-tank specialist was not a job with great prospects.
