Saturday, 10 August 2013

Polishing off the first box of Perry Desert Rats

I've finished the last nine Desert Rats from the first box, taking me up to 38 in total.

They are all painted using my standard scheme from the earlier articles.

Here are a couple of shots of the whole lot so far.


  1. They look great as always, Paul. Love how the finish is so flat - looks like they are in the desert. Best, Dean

  2. love the figures - and I agree with Dean about the finish.
    I was waiting for the africa corps to be released before bying both sets. looking forward to that.
    Thanks Dan.

  3. Great painting. Like them a lot.

  4. Great work. Having sold your 15mm 8th Army, it looks like you are creating a 28mm one for Bolt Action now. Would be good to hear your thoughts on the two games. Look forward to more North African action.

    1. Thanks
      I had a lot of fun with Flames of War, but I played one too many arses at tournaments and it killed my interest.
      I plan to keep fresh with Bolt Action by avoiding tournaments.

  5. Great work- looking forward to the Perry DAK comig out to complement them.

    Of course they'd be great for the Malayan campaign or Burma 42 games vs you Japanese too.


    1. Yes, I'll get a box of DAK as soon as they are available, I have just primed another box of the Desert Rats with Army Painter Desert Yellow and I'm just doing the highlights on a BlitzKreig / Perry Universal Carrier.

  6. Very impressive painting. Really like the look of these dudes!

  7. Nice work. I like the fact you've given them a darker skin tone to represent tanning under the desert sun.

    1. They are Indian troops from 5th Indian Infantry Division so I used a darker skin-tone.

  8. Hi,

    Great looking models, even had me looking for an SAS-truck...
