Friday, 30 August 2013

WAB Almohad Civil War

My Moors
Yesterday evening Tom and I played a great game of WAB. I'd been keen to try out my new El Cid Almohads so Tom came down to the Polly for a game.

Tom also used his Almohads, my force was:

  • Venerable Emir
  • Army Standard Bearer
  • 3 units of 21 Spearmen with large shield + 7 Archers, full command
  • 2 units of 21 Spearmen with shield + 7 Archers, full command
  • 1 unit of 9 Berber Horse with throwing spear and shields, full command

More Moors (and friends)
Toms rebel Almohads were

  • Emir
  • Army Standard Bearer
  • Imam
  • Sheik
  • 1 unit of 22 Spearmen with large shield + 8 Archers, full command (Emir and ASB in here)
  • 1 unit of 23 Spearmen with large shield + 8 Archers, full command (Imam in here)
  • 1 unit of 9 Berber Horse with throwing spear and shields, full command (Sheik in here)
  • 1 unit of 9 Tribal Skirmishers
  • 1 unit of 9 Andalusian Archers
  • 1 unit of 12 Christian Knights, full command 

Both of us weighed in at about the 1600pt mark.
The game started cagey, both of us were armed with Thrusting spear so neither was really prepared to get that first charge in so we peppered each other with arrows and javelins. My Berber horse were soon shot down to three models and ran away. We eventually got stuck in in the middle, Tom electing to get the charge in, but it went pretty badly for him, his Christian Knights broke and ran, taking the Emirs unit with them. 
I was soon stuck into the remaining spear unit, but launched a charge against the now rallied Emirs unit and lost badly, the pursuit taking Toms Emirs bodyguard into the flank of one of my units while his Berber horse charged the rear. I was soon in disarray, but the Ld 10 Venerable Emir soon pulled it back together and I got a last desperate charge in eventually scattering the pretenders forces to the four winds.

A great game that swung back and forth over about ten turns.

It's good to see Tom at the club, and no doubt his blog will soon be updated with some wildly exaggerated version of events :)