Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Welcome to the Dark Side

Martin and I had a session of the X-Wing Miniatures Game at the club this evening. I only have the basic set so we rattled through a few games:
He's a rebel at heart

Game 1

Introductory game of Rookie Rebel Pilot against Academy Pilot and Obsidian Squadron Pilot. Martin took the Rebels. We ran through the rules and had the first game, victory to the Imperium. Although after the game I re-read the shield rules and we were doing them wrong.

Game 2

Another introductory game of Rookie Rebel Pilot against Academy Pilot and Obsidian Squadron Pilot. Martin again took the Rebels. Another victory to the Imperium, but closer this time.

Game 3

Political Escort, Rookie Rebel Pilot against two Academy Pilots. Martin took the Imperium (for a change). Victory to the Rebel Alliance, the Senators shuttle left the table with 5 points of damage! After we re-read the rules and realised that you cannot inflict criticals on the shuttle, else it would have been curtains for the senator.

Game 4

Political Escort, Rookie Rebel Pilot against two Academy Pilots. I took the Imperium. Victory to the Imperium, the Senators shuttle only just cleared the half-way mark but I did lose a Tie-Fighter.

Game 5 

Asteroid Run, Martin had Luke Skywalker, I had Night Beast and Mauler Mithel. A close run game, but a Rebel victory as the X-wing with only a single point of damage remaining zipped off the table in turn 5.

So four games to one in favour of the Imperium, this force thing ain't all it's cracked up to be.

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