Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Low Down Yellow Bellied Varmits

That's enough of my regular gaming opponents, on to the figures I painted this weekend.

I've been meaning to get into Dead Mans Hand for quite some time now. Many years ago I purchased a dozen Wargames Foundry cowboys, cleaned them up, stuck them on bases, sprayed them with primer and then did bugger all with them.

Despite the hectic weekend, what with a day of gaming with Simon on Saturday and a day at Partizan on Sunday I still managed to get eleven gunfighters painted - I have lost one.

Up at 0600 on Saturday morning I did the base-coats, again up at 0600 on Sunday I did the Sepia Wash. After Partizan I made a start on the highlights and on Monday I finished the highlights and did a few washes with the Peat Brown.

This evening they got a spray of varnish and were used in my first game of Dead Mans Hand at the club - a report on that later

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