Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Saga Day with Steve

Victoria is away so I had plenty of spare time at the weekend. First of all I organised a board-games night for Friday evening, but that was cancelled due to a few last minute drop outs, leaving only myself and Quint.

On Saturday I gave Steve a call and we arranged to play on the Sunday at his. After some discussion of what we were going to do we settled on BlitzKreig Commander, but had a last minute change of heart. I would introduce him to both Saga and Dead Mans Hand.

After a frantic last minute search for my gunfighters I loaded up the car and drove over to Steves.

We first of all set up a 4pt game pitting myself with the Vikings against Steve using my Saxons as Anglo-Danish, just to get a feel for the battle boards and the rules. It's been quite some time since I last played so was quite rusty.

Having got to grips with the basics (both of us!) we then had a 6pt Clash of Warlords again with myself using the Vikings and Steve the Anglo-Danish after a titanic struggle the Anglo-Danish Warlord went down in the sixth round!

We then had some lunch and set to for the afternoon entertainment.

By now, Steve was getting quite into Saga and we decided to play that again rather than Dead Mans Hand. Now with the new territory of the Byzantine supplement. Digging out the old Lamming Byzantines that were painted nearly 50 years ago Steve would use those and I would use my Vikings as the Pagan Rus.

We set up another Clash of Warlords and set down to study our battle boards - Pagan Rus! Bloody Hell, about two turns in we decided that we ought to both look at the battle boards and start again.

Despite the 'magic' Pagan Rus abilities our last game was a much closer affair, although they dis win out in the end the Byzantines had a much better time of it.

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