Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Chain of Command Espana at Cannon 2015

For the show at Cannon this past weekend we had originally planned to roll out the mountain and recreate the Battle of Agordat, unfortunately, at the last minute real life got in the way and James Morris was not going to be able to make it. So, last Monday I stepped into the breech and offered to do a Spanish Civil War game.

Myself, Matt, Tom & James - oh dear!
I decided that two platoons of Bando Nacional infantry supported by a late arriving platoon of Panzer I would attack two platoons of well entrenched Ejército Popular de la República.

The Nationalists would start the game with one 'standard' platoon and one platoon of Moroccans also available were a Bilbao Armoured Car, a 75mm infantry gun, a 37mm PaK and a HMG. Starting on turn 2 a platoon of three Panzer I would become available.

The Republican defenders would have two platoons of EPR infantry supported by a 75mm field gun. On turn two they would have support in the form of a T-26 tank, plus B-6 and UNL-35 armoured cars.

Here are the force handouts that I created:

Bando Nacional Infantry
Regular: -1
Command Dice 5
Platoon Headquarters:

  • Teniente, armed with pistol and Sargento Primero, armed with rifle or SMG, both Senior Leaders. Two Fusileros armed with rifles
One section of:

  • Sargento, Junior Leader, armed with rifle or SMG
  •  Squad 1: Cabo & 2 Fusileros with rifles, LMG with 2 crew
  • Squad 2: Cabo & 5 Fusileros with rifles
  • Squad 3: Cabo & 5 Fusileros with rifles
One section of:

  • Sargento, Junior Leader, armed with rifle or SMG
  • Squad 1: Cabo & 4 Fusileros with rifles
  • Squad 2: Cabo & 5 Fusileros with rifles
  • Squad 3: Cabo & 5 Fusileros with rifles

Bando Nacional Infantry (Moroccan)
Regular: +1
Command Dice 5
Platoon Headquarters:
  • Teniente, armed with pistol and Sargento Primero, armed with rifle or SMG, both Senior Leaders. Two Fusileros armed with rifles
Two sections each of:
  • Sargento, Junior Leader, armed with rifle or SMG
  •  Squad 1: Cabo & 2 Fusileros with rifles, LMG with 2 crew
  • Squad 2: Cabo & 5 Fusileros with rifles
  • Squad 3: Cabo & 5 Fusileros with rifles

Nationalist Supports
Medium Machine Gun Squad with Junior Leader
70/16 Infantry Gun with Junior Leader & 5 crew
Pak 35/36 AT gun with Junior Leader & 5 crew
Bilbao armoured car
Panzer Platoon
Enter Turn 2
Regular: -3
Command Dice 5
Panzer I with Senior Leader
Two Panzer II with Junior Leader

1st Platoon Ejército Popular de la República (EPR)
Regular: 1
Command Dice 5
Platoon Headquarters:

  • Teniente, Senior Leader, armed with pistol and a Fusilero armed with a rifle.
Rifle Grenadier Section

  • Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
  • Squad 1: Cabo & 2 Fusileros, all armed with rifles. LMG with 2 crew
  • Squad 2: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
  •  Squad 3: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
Rifle Grenadier Section

  • Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
  • Squad 1: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
  • Squad 2: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
  • Squad 3: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
Mortar Section

  • Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
  • Cabo & 1 Fusilero all armed with rifles. 50mm mortar with 2 crew

2nd Platoon Ejército Popular de la República (EPR)
Regular: 1
Command Dice 5
Platoon Headquarters:

  • Teniente, Senior Leader, armed with pistol and a Fusilero armed with a rifle.
Rifle Grenadier Section

  • Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
  • Squad 1: Cabo & 2 Fusileros, all armed with rifles. LMG with 2 crew
  • Squad 2: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
  •  Squad 3: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
Rifle Grenadier Section

  • Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
  • Squad 1: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
  • Squad 2: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
  • Squad 3: Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
Mortar Section

  • Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
  • Cabo & 1 Fusilero all armed with rifles. 50mm mortar with 2 crew

It's quite shocking, but after all these figures were laid out on the table there was still loads left in the box, not bad progress for a project I only started about a year go.

The table laid out and the figures ready to be deployed

Tom W-D and James Woodward would command the Republicans, while I took the Moroccans and Matt Moran was the other Nationalist commander. James would be overall commander for the Republicans I would be in charge of the Nationalists (this matters under the Big CoC rules).

We were off, Nationalists took first turn and Matt promptly rolled this:

Following up with the "A true patriot" random event, the first troops deployed on the table were a Republican 50mm Mortar team.

The Nationalists commenced a cautious advance and the Republicans started to man the barricades. First casualties of the day were a couple of Republican infantry caught moving to defend the olive grove on their left flank.

The Regulares advanced in the open terrain on our right flank while the other Nationalists advanced through the vineyard and made a flanking attack around the hill.

The Bilbao cautiously advanced up the hill, but the Republican 75mm deployed and started to engage it. Fortunately, it was only driven off.

Action shot

The first turn was ended by the Republicans meaning the armoured support for both sides was allowed to be deployed on the table.

The Moroccans continued their steady advance on the Republicans deployed in the tree-line on their left.

Further Moroccan fire drove away the gun crew of the 75mm, but a T-26 tank was deployed to fill the gap.

The Moroccans were supported by a single Panzer I, it was never going to win a fire-fight against the T-26, however, with so many other targets to engage the Republican tank was unable to engage the Panzer I.

The second Nationalist platoon formed a base of fire in the Vineyard atop the hill

Supported by an Infantry gun

Eventually the Republican right collapsed under the weight of fire and the Panzers were able to close on the barricades.

But on the left the weight of fire from the tree-line was able to drive a good proportion of the Moroccans away

At the end of the game the volume of fire against the remaining Republican platoon was telling and the line gave way, a solid victory to the Nationalists.

We had a great days gaming and I think the chaps enjoyed it.

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