Sunday, 15 March 2015

La Legion for Chain of Command

Well the bad guys get all the best uniforms so it was hardly surprising that my next faction would also be Nationalists. Everybody else seems to want to paint Republicans so I will stick to these for now.

Unfortunately, at the moment I only have 22 figures and four of those or officers and three constitute two machine-gun teams so I need to buy a few more figures before I can field them. Over the past few days though twelve of them are done.

Starting from a Halfords grey primer I paint the following Vallejo Model Colour:

  • Trousers, puttess, leggings, coats (wrapped around body) and hats - German Uniform
  • Shirts - Light Green Blue
  • Rifle stocks, soles and some hair - Beige Brown
  • Shoes and gloves - Dark Sand
  • Hat braid and tassel - Red
  • Flesh - Medium Fleshtone
  • Straps, ammo pouches, rifle fittings and some hair - Black


The figures are then given a wash of Sepia Wash and allowed to dry overnight, then I start on the highlights.

  • Trousers, puttess, leggings, coats and hats are repainted German Uniform, then two highlights adding more Pale Sand each time are applied.
  • The shirts are repainted Light Green Blue and then a touch of Ivory is added for another highlight.

Chauchat LMG team
The rifle stocks and brown hair are repainted Beige Brown and then highlighted by adding a touch of Dark Sand
The shoes and gloves are highlighted with Dark Sand mixed with Ivory and then just with Ivory.
The skin is repainted with Medium Fleshtone and then some Ivory is added for an highlight.


  • The straps, ammo pouches, and black hair are gone over with Black Grey.
  • The rifle fittings, pistols, etc. are gone over with a wash of Black and Gunmetal Grey. 
  • The detail on the hat braid and tassel are picked out in Flat Red

Another Tiente

  •  I then use a touch of brass on belt buckles, rifle butts, the bugle, etc.

Once dried I pick out the detail on the faces, hands etc. with a bit of Windsor and Newton Peat Brown Ink. Once that is dried I base then using my standard method. They are then given a spray of Humbrol Matt Varnish and magnetic sheet is stuck on the bottom of the bases.

All the figures are from the Empress Miniatures range.


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