Monday, 4 September 2017

21 Squadron RAF - 12th July 1940

It was all over in seconds, Sgt. Pilot Harry McWalters and Flying Officer Simon Barrington were patrolling over the Kent countryside at an altitude of 14,000ft when out of the clouds emerged a Schwarm of Bf-110.

Before they could react, the Schwarmfuhrer was on the tail of Barrington and 20mm cannon shells were bursting all around, Barrington was unable to regain control of his aircraft before the Schwarmfuhrer pumped more shells into his stricken Hurricane which exploded with no chance of Barrington bailing out.

Incensed, McWalters was soon of the tail of the Schwarmfuhrer, letting fly with a hail of lead, the ruptured fuel line saw the Bf110 explode in a ball of flame, deftly manoeuvring onto the tail of the Schwarmfuhrer's wingman, McWalters let rip another volley of 303's, the wing root of the Bf-110 was severely damaged and it tumbled from the skies with no survivors.

The blood was now up, McWalters was on the tail of yet another Bf-110, smoke was pouring from it's engine cowling when the Hurricanes ammo was expended. McWalters, gunned the engine, turned away from the remaining Messerschmitt and headed back to Hendon. Barrington was dead, that was unfortunate, but four Nazis were dead, two Messerschmitts down and another limping for home.

Upon landing at Hendon McWalters finds he has been nominated for a bar to his DFC.

We played the first mission in a new Bag the Hun - Finest Hour campaign on Thursday. Rolling for the mission, 'Green 1 & 2 at altitude 5 bounced by a schwarm of 4 Bf-110 at altitude 6'. It was very fortunate that of all the pilots randomised the RAF were able to field McWalters, he really did make a huge difference.

The four Bf-110 pilots were three regulars and a sprog.

The draw of the cards in the initial turn of the game saw the Messerschmitt of the Schwarmfuhrer get onto the tail of Barringtons Hurricane and the following salvo saw his plane go into a temporary loss of control that he never recovered from, the next salvo saw another temporary loss of control, the third a pilot wounded event and the fourth saw the Hurricane explode. He really did not stand a chance. However, during this time McWalters made full use of his Top Ace abilities and after the third salve had hit Barringtons Hurricane he was on the tail of the Schwarmfuhrer. If the draw had come out better then the Schwarmfuhrer may not have got in the fatal shot. As it was the Luftwaffe card came up first and Barringtons plane was destroyed and the Schwarmfuhrer shortly thereafter.

The lumbering Messerschmitts could not cope with McWalters, he had soon shot a second one down and was admitting the coup de grace to a third when he ran out of ammo. His plane had only taken very minor damage - an 'M' result.

Post sortie, McWalters was awarded a bar to his DFC.

The day is not over - Pilot Officer Adrian Jacobs is scrambled to intercept a Do-17 that is intelligence gathering over the Thames Estuary.

Squadron Roster Sheet

Basic Details
Aircraft (17)
Pilots (17)
Date: 12th July 1940 (Phase I)
Unit: 21 Squadron (11 Group)
Airfield: Hendon
Aircraft: Hurricane MK1
Aircraft under repair b/fwd
Pilots absent b/fwd

Back from workshop today

Pilots returning today

Serviceable aircraft b/fwd
Active pilots b/fwd

New aircraft received

Serviceable next sortie
Available for Sortie

Events scheduled for today
This Sortie

Green 1 & 2 at altitude 5 bounced by a schwarm of 4 Bf-110 at altitude 6

“A” Flight
Red Section

Kills on t/off
Sortie Log
Red 1
Sqdn Ldr Terry Deakin (Veteran)


Red 2
Sgt. Pilot James Phillips (Regular)


Red 3
Flt. Lt. Matthew Palmer (Veteran)


Yellow Section

Kills on t/off
Sortie Log
Yellow 1
F.O. Stephen Hines (Regular)


Yellow 2
Sgt. Pilot Mark Wilson (Regular)


Yellow 3
P.O. Adrian Jacobs (Sprog)


“B” Flight
Blue Section

Kills on t/off
Sortie Log
Blue 1
P.O. Darren Wright (Regular)


Blue 2
Sgt. Pilot Peter Lewis (Regular)


Blue 3
Sgt. Pilot Charles Morris (Regular)


Green Section

Kills on t/off
Sortie Log
Green 1
Sgt. Pilot Harry McWalters DFC (Top Ace)

2 kills, one damaged
Green 2
F.0. Simon Barrington (Regular)

Green 3
P.O. Clement Bates (Sprog)


Pilots not assigned to flying duties this Sortie




Aircraft available pre sortie
P.O. Terry Smith (Regular)
Sgt. Pilot Archie Spencer (Sprog)


Aircraft lost this sortie
F.O. Damien Townsend (Veteran)


Aircraft damaged (to workshop)

Sgt. Pilot Kerry O’Malley (Veteran)


Other post sortie adjustments

P.O. Francis Clinton (Sprog)


Number of aircraft c/fwd next sortie

Other post sortie events


Harry McWalters gets bar to DFC

No of pilots pre sortie

Pilots killed this sortie

Pilots missing this sortie

Pilots new wounded/sick

Other post sortie adjustments

Active pilots c/fwd next sortie

Another sortie today!
Single plane vectored onto reconnaissance aircraft Yellow 3 - P.O. Adrian Jacobs (Sprog) – vectored on to Do17 at altitude 4

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