Sunday, 26 August 2018

Maximillian 1934 (3)

I've been away working in Krakow this week, but despite the bloody awful jet-lag when I got back I managed to finish off this pair today.

First a Eureka Miniatures 'Flyer'  I've done this one off of a base-coat of Royal Blue, highlighting up with a little Pastel Blue. The trim, wheels, hubs and spokes is done in Gold-Brown highlighted with Flat Yellow. Like the Roadster I did last time, a small cardboard windscreen was added.

This beast is armed with a single fixed Lewis gun and a pair of swivel mounted Lewis guns operated by the guy in the back.

The vehicle has been somewhat pimped with components from the accessories pack, including a new snout and running boards.

At Historicon I also purchased one of the Eureka Miniatures motorcycles. This is currently withdrawn from the website, I understand so that it can have a cast-on base. I used a lot of mitre-bond to get mine to 'stay'

I armed mine with a single fixed Lewis gun and limited the 'pimping' to adding a lot of chrome.

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