Monday, 25 March 2019

Hundred Years War: French (12)

A few weeks ago I made a couple of French infantry with falchions and you can see them at the bottom of this post. I liked them so much that during my recent vacation I assembled another ten of them so that I could complete a unit of 12.

I tried to use as many of the dynamic running figures as possible for this group to give this set of figures the look of motion.

All are made using components from the English, French and mounted Knights sets from Perry Miniatures and as well as falchion some are armed with a standard sword, one is even armed with an axe.

I've painted a mix of liveries and plain clothing to give some variety to what I see as a group of pages and other troops supporting the men at arms in the attack. The 'Cross of St. Dennis' is quite prominent among this batch.

As usual, each figure is individually mounted on a 20mm Renedra round base and then grouped on a movement tray that I made a custom order to Warbases for.

Five of these made it under the radar for my final Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge post and the rest were completed over the weekend.

Some front and back shots of each of the troops.