Sunday, 10 March 2019

Poilu Reinforcements

On the run up to my vacation I ran out of Hundred Years War figures to paint, Oh the horror! However a swift order to Arcane Scenery did remedy that and on the day before I went on vacation I had another couple of boxes of Perry Agincourt arrive.

With no Hundred Years War to paint it was time to clear some of the lead mountain and earn myself another point in the squirrel duel, so I dug out the last nine Brigade Games WWI French infantry from the order I had in 2018 and got to work on those in the meanwhile.

Most of my WWI collection is from the Gripping Beast "Woodbine Designs" range but the Brigade Games stuff does mix in well. There are two distinct sculptors on the Brigade Games range though, the hands and faces on some of the figures show this up the most.

The first group is five riflemen three are mounted individually and the remaining two as a pair.

The Horizon Bleu recipe I use is based on a 'Bondi Blue' paint from a very old Gripping Beast paint set, unfortunately they don't seem to do it any more and I am still looking for a good match, although with plenty enough French for my games I'm not really sure if I need much more.

In this order I went a bit mad on ordering Chauchat teams, and this painting session saw another two completed.

I tried to capture the 'blasted ground' of the Verdun battlefield on the bases. The remnants of barbed wire entanglements are sealing wire wrapped around cocktail sticks and the groundwork is pumice gel is mixed into a paste with grit and static grass and then some Vallejo Flat Earth is stirred in and the gooey mess is slathered all over the base.

Hundred Years War service shall resume shortly....