Thursday, 4 April 2019

Hundred Years War: French (13)

I am really finding it quite relaxing to paint these Perry Miniatures Agincourt Foot Knights. Great figures, easy to assemble and a doddle to paint. With the added bonus that there is not a lot of flesh tone to be concerned with.

I'm painting the figures four at a time so you'll see the palette being reused, but as some are going in English units and some in French they should not end up with too many in the same scheme.

I know that a knight would be accompanied by other men at arms in his livery, but as these units are supposed to represent about 300 men each I'm not too hung up on that.

Again, when not painting specific nobles I don't get too hung up on heraldry and livery and am again aiming for plausible rather than necessarily authentic.

Purists may be shocked to know that this banner that of Charles II of Navarre from BattleFlag and is about 40 years to early for these troops, but could represent Joan of Navarre his grand-daughter.

Drew is round tonight so hopefully these chaps shall make it on to the table for our game and I'll get to shoot them full of holes.

Some individual shots of each figure.

I think I made a bit of a botch of the 'water budget' on the second figure. The third is a body off of the standard French Infantry sprue, but a suitable head and visor makes a good man at arms of him.

On the first of this group I was going for a 'field or sable lion rampant' but reckon it's closer to the Ferrari prancing pony.

The simple Cross of St. Dennis is much in evidence on all these figures and marks those out specifically as French, most of the others can easily fit into English units if required, although I'll try to keep them separate.

There are enough Men at Arms on the painting table in various stages at the moment that there should be another post at the weekend.


  1. More great looking knights! Lovely work and sensible to have some that can be used for both sides!
    Best Iain

  2. Well done, beautiful units!

  3. Splendid stuff, you certainly have the bit between your teeth for these.

    1. Thanks Phil, probably better than being addicted to Fortnite ;)
