Thursday, 25 July 2019

WWII Soviets reboot (5)

After three weeks getting stuff ready for my Agincourt game at Danecon this weekend it has been time to go back to the WWII project and crack on with the last few WWII Soviets in the lead pile.

These seven are all from the old Bolt Action Miniatures range sculpted by the very talented Paul Hicks, lovely figures with bags of character.

So, I'm now out of figures for both the Hundred Years War and WWII Soviets so the next few weeks of blog updates shall likely be a mish-mash of things until I can get a restock.

Looking at my "Battle against the lead mountain" counter this brings me up to a nice round 400 28mm foot figures painted so far this year, which compares vary favourably with the 250 that I painted in the entirety of 2018, maybe that lead mountain shall be conquered!


  1. More terrific Soviet work, Paul! 400 28mm figures thus far is a great accomplishment. Well done!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'm feeling quite happy about it at the moment :)

  2. Good work climbing the Lead Mountain...the summit must be in sight by now??

    1. It may be at the moment, but I am now taking extra spending money with me for my visit to the UK and Partizan next month so the benefits may be short lived.

  3. Nice work Paul. Will you be tempted to add back to the mountain at Partizan though?

  4. Lovely looking Soviets! I do like an army with flags!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, flags do give a touch of class to an otherwise messy rabble ;)

  5. They look superb Paul! I too Love those old sculpts for all the character.
