Monday, 26 August 2019

Deep Dish Lard Day!

The chaps from Chitown Wargames are running a Deep Dish Lard day at Noble Knight Games on Saturday 12th October.

"Wanted to give everyone a heads up that Lard America Midwest will be hosting the first ever "Deep Dish Lard" at Noble Knight Games in Fitchburg, Wisconsin on Saturday, October 12th. Gaming will be from 10 AM to 6 PM, current plan is for two blocks of games beginning at 10 AM and 2 PM.

We hope local Lardies will be able to join us, we are still working on a game schedule but there will be CoC, CoC: DMZ, WaT and SP from early musings. As soon as we have a concrete game schedule it will be shared here or on the Lard America Facebook Page

If you are interested in possibly running a game let me know via email at"

I hope to be running a WWII game using my Burma campaign collection that has not been out of the boxes since we moved here.

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