Wednesday, 1 January 2020

2019 Retrospective- The ongoing war against the lead mountain

As ever I like to start the year with a review of what I got posted last year and make a personal judgement if the war against the lead (and plastic) mountain is being won or if I've suffered another setback.

I think I've done rather well, having painted much more stuff than in previous years and also not started any new major projects, here is the list of the stuff that got painted in 2019:

28mm Figures Painted and Based: 545 foot, 23 mounted, 6 riders, 7 horses, 3 dogs, 1 limber, 3 guns, 1 armoured car, 2 tanks, 1 car, 1 wagon, 1 cart, 2 horses, 1 donkey, 2 cattle, 2 deer
  • Hundred Years War
    • 21 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War French mounted
    • 2 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War English mounted
    • 192 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War French infantry
    • 6 Claymore Castings 100 Years War French infantry
    • 95 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War English infantry
    • 12 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War peasants
    • 12 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War casualties
  • American Civil War
    • Perry Miniatures Confederate limber with six horses, six crew and a 6lb gun.
    • 44 Perry Miniatures ACW Union infantry
  • World War I
    • 9 Brigade Games WWI Poilu
  • World War II 
    • Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad)
    • 18 BAM WWII Soviets
    • 44 Artizan WWII Soviets
    • 8 1st Corps Soviet casualties
    • 12 Crusader Miniatures WWII Germans
    • 8 1st Corps German casualties
    • 54 Crusader Miniatures WWII French
    • Crusader Miniatures 25mms AT gun
    • 1st Corps T-70
    • Panzer II (Chieftain Models I think)
    • 1st Corps mechanic
    • 1st Corps Austin 7
    • 8 random WWII Germans
    • 1 WWII cavalry mount
    • le.IG18 infantry gun
  • Misc stuff 
    • 2 Eureka Miniatures Maximillian 1934 drivers
    • Partizan Rosa Luxemburg
    • Partizan Karl Marx
    • 3 Warbases dogs
    • Drews memorial sculpt
    • Warbases engineers cart
    • Warbases hay cart
    • Warbases donkey
    • Wargames Illustrated Che Guevara
    • 2 Warbases cattle
    • 2 Warbases red deer
  • Misc stuff for new projects
    • 16 Mongrel Miniatures DDR Motorised Rifles
15mm Figures Painted and Based: 5 trikes
  • 5 Laserburn Redemptionist trikes

6mm Figures Painted and Based: 282 foot, 90 mounted, 6 horses
  • 72 Baccus WSS French infantry
  • 54 Baccus WSS French cavalrymen
  • 72 Baccus WSS Danish infantry
  • 72 Baccus WSS Dutch infantry
  • 48 Baccus WSS Scottish infantry
  • 18 Baccus WSS English cavalrymen
  • 18 Baccus WSS Bavarian mounted dragoons
  • 18 Baccus WSS Bavarian dismounted dragoons
  • 6 Baccus WSS Bavarian dismounted dragoon horses

1/2400 Ships Painted and Based: 13
  • 1 98-gun 2nd rate
  • 2 80-gun 3rd rate
  • 1 74-gun 3rd rate
  • 2 64-gun 3rd rate
  • 1 50-gun 4th rate
  • 2 40-gun 5th rate frigates
  • 4 12-gun cutters

The Agincourt collection got the most attention on the 28mm front and I was able to continue on with that to the stage where we played a few Agincourt games using either Hail Caesar or To The Strongest fielding about 40 units of troops.

Likewise the WWII collection grew considerably, with many Soviet troops being taken out of the backlog in the lead mountain and getting painted. I did start a new WWII diversion with the lovely Crusader Miniatures French Senegalese Tirailleurs.

American Civil War also got some love again at both ends of the year with Artillery done in January and some Union Zouaves at the end of the year, I'll be adding to this collection again this year.

For some smaller scale diversions I dipped into the lead mountain and got painted more 6mm War of the Spanish Succession and even some 1/2400 Napoleonic Naval.

There was really only one new project started and that was with 16 East German Motorised Germans, I really don't know what I plan to do with these and have no plans to expand further at the moment, these may get sold on.

I've also had a solid year of making terrain for my games, some nice little 6mm buildings I picked up from Leven Miniatures and a load of 28mm stuff most suited to our ACW and WWII games.

Terrain Made:
  • Church and graveyard for 6mm games
  • Farmyard for 6mm games
  • Windmill for 6mm games
  • Town section for 6mm games
  • Warbases workshop
  • 16 Telegraph poles
  • 6 Lamp posts
  • 3 Road signs
  • 1940's garage forecourt
  • 5 hills
  • 4 wall sections
  • Paddock
  • Vegetable garden
  • Stable
  • Pumpkin patch
  • Shack
  • Log store
  • Orchard
  • Stable
  • 5 fence sections

Figures Painted and Based for other people: 3 foot
  • 3 WWII French Partizans for Tony

So lets look in the deficit column.

New Figures Purchased: 20 mounted, 287 foot, 1 car, 1 motorcycle combo, 1 petrol pumps, 1 anti-tank gun, 1 tank, 10 tank commanders, 4 horses
  • 20 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War mounted
  • 185 Perry Miniatures 100 Years War foot
  • 2 Perry Miniatures American Civil War foot
  • 1 First Corps Austin Command Car
  • 1 First Corps Motorcycle Combination
  • First Corps Petrol Pumps
  • 16 Mongrel Miniatures DDR Motorised Rifles
  • 12 Crusader Miniatures WWII Germans
  • 56 Crusader Miniatures WWII Senegalese
  • 1 Crusader Miniatures 25mm AT gun
  • 4 First Corps German tank commanders
  • 6 First Corps Soviet tank commanders
  • 5 First Corps Soviet tank riders
  • 1 First Corps T-70
  • 8 First Corps Soviet casualties
  • 8 First Corps German casualties
  • 4 Warbases horses

This is really good, not only have I painted much more than I bought, I also have painted almost every item I bought, the only exception being that I've not yet painted that m/c combination and some of the tank commanders that I don't yet have tanks for. I think I'll have a glass of fizz later.

I also have some very generous friends and relatives.

Unpainted Figures Acquired: 193 foot, 12 mounted, 2 PT boats
  • 42 Perry Miniatures Hundred Years War French infantry for birthday
  • 2 PT-Boats with Wargames Illustrated
  • 11 Foot Knights from Tony
  • Partizan Rosa Luxemburg from Martin
  • Partizan Karl Marx from the show
  • Warbases donkey from Victoria
  • 2 Warbases cattle from Victoria
  • 2 Warbases deer from Victoria
  • 1 Warbases hay cart from Victoria
  • 1 Warbases wood store from Victoria
  • 44 Perry Miniatures Confederate infantry from mum & dad
  • 38 Perry Miniatures Union infantry from mum & dad
  • 12 Perry Miniatures Mounted Agincourt Knights from Marie
  • 18 Perry Miniatures Agincourt bowmen from Marie
  • 36 Perry Miniatures Agincourt Knights from Jasmin
  • 2 Wargames Illustrated Christmas Truce 1914 figures from Victoria
  • 5 Warbases ducks from Victoria
  • 1 Warbases barn from Victoria

Again apart from the last eight items, that were received in the last week, everything that was gifted/given to me is painted. Expect to see some of that appearing on the blog in the next few days.

Happy 2020 to all my readers.


  1. Really impressive totals, Paul! Besides your handsome figures, I enjoyed your terrain work very much. Looking forward to seeing what 2020 holds.

    Great job and Happy 2020!

  2. Blimey! You have been busy. Well done on a very productive year. Happy New Year!

  3. This is quite humbling & difficult to absorb - well done old chap!
    Wishing you & all in Scrivsland a very happy New Year,

  4. Wonderful productivity. Almost triple my output this year and every figure more beautiful. May you do as well or better next year.

  5. Those are fantastic scores Paul! A super productive year for you. Really enjoy the blog plus I find the painting tips and recipes very helpful.
    You've also inspired me to keep a close track on what I purchase (not much hopefully) and what I paint.
    Thank you.

    1. Thanks Matt, I do think that trying to keep track does help with avoiding the 'new shiny thing that will never get painted' purchases.

  6. Terrific work in 2019, Paul! Well done indeed - and some very impressive totals there! All the best for your hobby targets in 2020!! Happy New Year, mate!

    1. Thank you. I think the target can remain as "paint less than I buy" :)

  7. That’s quite an impressive total Paul! I enjoyed following your progress in 2019 and am looking forward to do the same in 2020.

  8. Really impressive Paul!
    All the best in 2020!

  9. Great figures there Paul, and I have really enjoyed watching them all come to the table! Have a cracking 2020!

    1. Thanks Paul, hopefully 2020 will see the figure painting rate maintained AND and improvement in the gaming rate.
