Thursday, 9 April 2020

Star Wars Legion game, stepping up a level

Sunday saw Victoria and I giving Star War: Legion another go. This time we cast aside the learning game and decided to go for the full experience of the rules.

Firstly this saw us picking a couple of 500 point forces.

My Rebels were led by Jyn Erso with a AT-RT in support and four units of Rebel Troopers, R2-D2 completed the force.

Victoria's Imperials were led by an Imperial Officer with Boba Fett as an operative, the force was rounded out with three units of Stormtroopers and a pair of Speeder bikes.

As we were playing quite a small game I laid out a 3ft x 4ft playing area, using a load of the new terrain we bought and painted (apart from the tower which is just primed so far)

We then laid out the Battle Deck cards:

After elimination we were left with:

Breakthrough objective, with the Major Offensive deployment and the Limited Visibility conditions.

We got down to the battle.

My newly painted dice tower hates me, these were typical Defense Dice rolls for Jyn Erso

A solid defensive line of Rebels with a Z-6 held strong on my baseline

Imperial Officer motivates her troops

R2-D2 gives Boba Fett rather a shock, but it did not end well
Imperial troops advance under cover

Probably trying to steer clear of the attentions of the medical droid

Imperials gain a foothold in the Rebel deployment zone

Likewise Rebels gain a foothold in the Imperial deployment zone

Boba Fett skillfully sees off R2-D2 from the Imperial deployment zone
By the end of the game both sides had two Victory Tokens by having leaders in the enemies deployment zone, but Boba Fett had nominated Jyn Erso as his bounty and as she was unable to make a defensive roll all game the Imperials scored a clear victory.

We hope to play again this weekend with a few more troops on the table.


  1. Good to see you guys gaming in safety!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, I think the cloth needs more work, if the weekend is nice I may caulk it.

  3. Tidy looking game with a sensible entry level.
    Is the medical droid to be avoided? Poor bedside manner?
    Have fun you too! Stay safe & well,

    1. Cheers Jeremy. I think it lacks any caring skills at all.
      Take care y'all.

  4. Immersive and great looking game!

  5. Good looking game and toys, I would make a great storm trooper commander I never hit anything either🙂 Great that Victoria plays and you have an opponent, my wife however has "volunteered " to be Battle Rating monitor when I play Battlegroup solo.

    1. Thank Phil, the Storm troopers have a precise rule, which is rather a ???? moment, but then again did not Obi Wan say something like "these blaster marks are too accurate for sand people."

  6. This looks so good mate :o)
    M-u-s-t r-e-s-i-s-t!

  7. Wonderful looking/painted collection. Good to tick a couple of boxes, hobby time and family bonding.

    1. Thanks Pat. Victoria has really gotten into this one, doubt I'll ever get hep playing WWII or any other historical games for that matter.

  8. Fine looking game and good to see the powers of order and peace for the galaxy prevail!

    1. Thanks, I do hope to get a win with the Rebels one of these days....

  9. Lovely looking game and lucky to be playing any game with a real opponent at the moment!
    Best Iain

  10. Awesome! Great job Paul and Victoria. Looks great with all the new terrain.


    1. Thanks Jim. We've both added more to the collection this week so our next games will get even bigger.
