Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Star Wars: Legion - Rebel Specialists

Like buses there are no posts for over a week and then four come along all at once!

Victoria and I are still bitten by the Star Wars: Legion bug and I was having some "Specialist Envy" after Victoria fielded her Imperial Specialists so last week bought a set of Rebel Specialists for myself.

The first one showcased is a a 2-1B Medical Droid as seen fixing up Luke after his encounter with the Wampa.

He was not so successful in my last game though, my terrible defence dice saw the whole unit wiped out before he got a chance to fix anybody.

The second model is a Rebel Officer, I used this one as my Commander in Saturdays game against Victoria.

He suffered the fate of all newly painted figures and fell to my terrible run of defensive dice rolls!

The R5 Astromech Droid survived Saturdays game, mainly due to it being used as a terrain piece rather than as any part of my army.

I'm painting a second AT-RT at the moment, so I think that as we move up from 500 points this little fellow will see quite a bit of action in my forces as he attempts to fix the result of those defence dice that I'm so bad at!

Finally a Rebel Comms Technician.

You can probably already sense a theme here, and yes, she also fell in Saturdays game!

A nice set of four figures that add a little more to my Rebel forces. I'm really enjoying painting these although I probably have more than enough done at the moment and should start learning to play with what I have.


  1. Some very nice additions Paul...

    These toys are indeed very tempting... they look like they would be fun to paint.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, they are indeed great figures. I never thought I'd like "soft plastic"

  2. Very nice, atleast they should perform better in the next game as no longer classed as newly painted

  3. Lovely looking figures! No longer subject to the newly painted curse!
    Best Iain

  4. Fantastic painting on those Mr Scrivs! It does look to be a good game :o)

    1. Cheers Matt, Victoria and I are enjoying this diversion.

  5. Very cool SW figures, Scrivs. Quite a change up from your HYW work.

    1. Cheers Dean, at 40mm they feel huge after doing the Perry 28s
