Friday, 1 January 2021

Princess Brenda

My last painted figure of 2020 is Princess Brenda and is the 705th 28mm foot figure this year, lockdown has certainly be useful for painting figures.

Princess Elizabeth c.1945 was the freebie given away at Partizan 2012 and it's been shamefully sat in my backlog ever since. The sculptor is Matt Bickley (thanks to Phil for the correction).

For those interested in the colours used, her hat and battledress tunic and hat are from a base of VMC English Uniform, the skirt, shirt and tie are from VMC Khaki. The stockings are from VMC Beige Brown and the gloves, bag and shoes from VMC Saddle Brown.

After a wash of AP Strong tone the base colours are re-applied and a couple of highlights added to each. The badge and buttons were picked out in VMC Bronze.

Princess Brenda has been used to summon a trip across the Chambers of Challenge XI and some food based output will happen over the next few days

Here's wishing you all a Happy New Year and may 2021 be an improvement on 2020.



  1. Sensibly dressed and well painted! You made made hay at the painting desk this year. Great job!

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Jonathan, I'm quite impressed with myself

  2. HRM looks smashing - and happy New Year!

  3. Neat work! Well done with 705 figures, I only managed 104 but did make heaps of scenery

  4. Nicely rendered HRH Paul, I think she was sculpted by Matt Bickley following on from Edward VIII and That Woman.

  5. A lovely little miniature Paul...
    Matt gets a lot of character in his models...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, he has captured lots of character in this one.

  6. Very cool character figure, Scrivs!

  7. Very nicely painted figure - Happy New Year and I hope 2021 is better than 2020 was in the UK!

    1. Thank you. I'll be back in the UK in Spring so I can find out myself.

  8. Ah going back home then! Best of luck. Since I probably won't see you again before then, let me just say it was nice meeting you and gaming with you. And I still am grateful for you explaining some mistakes I was making in the way I was playing TtS rules.

    1. Nice to meet you too, the move back to the UK is (hopefully) temporary and I do plan to be back here in 2022, hopefully we'll have the option to game again.
