Monday, 25 January 2021

Reaper Bones Orc

I needed to paint an Orc for the "The Orcs’ Pit" over on the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, needless to say I've not bought an Orc in years, so a trip to my LGS launched me into my first foray with Reaper Bones.

I wanted to keep the chap quite muted so used a drab palette on him, for those interested the green of the flesh is from a basecoat of VMC Brown Violet. The tunic is worked up from Flat Earth and the cloak mainly German Camo Beige and Stone Grey.

It was quite an easy paint job, but as this is the first Reaper Bones miniature I've painted I don't think I am that impressed, they seem to be molded out of jelly, the axe shaft especially, bent like a banana and wobbles like the set of a 60's Sci-fi classic.

To keep the tones muted the metalwork was done mostly from a base of VMC Bronze or VMC Gunmetal Grey.

The shield is adorned with a collection of gruesome  trophies and I again kept the metalwork quite drab.


  1. Great looking Challenge entry, Scrivs!

  2. Great looking piece, Paul. That is a big blade!

  3. Ah!... The Classic Jelly Axe... deadly when unopposed.

    You have certainly brought the best out in him...

    All the best. Aly

  4. Yikes! Nice paint work. Does he really need that tiny metal plate beneath his arm pit? I wonder if it has something to do with the jelly axe.


    1. Thanks Jim, I think it is supposed to be a chain mail vest

  5. Orc!
    I'm really looking forward to Warhammer the Old World - always liked a mental Orc army!
    Take care old chum,

    1. Thank you Jeremy.
      Hopefully we can get a game in over the coming months when I'm back in the UK
