Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Scientists and Savants


With the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge drawing to a close, I wanted to finish off a last few locations to help complete my adventures in the chambers.

Brigade games do a pack of French Scientists for their Napoleon in Egypt range and I thought they both fitted into my main theme of painting 28mm Napoleonics and would be perfect for the Laboratory location.

The final pair of fellows are examining artifacts at the workbench, dragged out of some tavern to the site of their investigations. 

The bench and tools are from the aptly named Workbench and Tools from Wizkids, as the figures are quite small and the bench quite large I chopped down the legs a little.

The chap in the green coat seems to be holding a very early model gold Nokia 3300 while the chap in the grey coat has arrived with a satchel of new finds.

This gentleman is probably my favourite of the set. He sits writing down his thoughts, so I thought the telescope from the Wizkids navigation set would be a useful addition.

The legs of the scope had to be broken off and reattached as they were at so steep an angle the thing looked awkward and would likely have easily broken.

For the lens I use the same 'non-glassy-glass" technique that I used in truck windows for my 20th century stuff. I really like how this figure came out.

The large area of the notebook he holds is really suitable for even my iffy motor skills to map out some text and diagrams as he records his findings.

The first fellow of the society has rather a military bearing with the sash and cut of his jacket, maybe he is a retired military gentleman who is now pursuing his interest in natural philosophy. He has appointed himself leader of this expedition.

These will make some great characters for our Sharpe Practice games.


  1. These are lovely characterful figures...
    All you need now is a 28mil Ark of the Covenant...

    All the best. Aly

  2. A fine finish on unusual subject matter which will bring additional character to a game.

  3. Very cool figures, Scrivs! Love the brushwork on these excellent and interesting sculpts. I really do need to take a closer look at Brigade Games figures.

  4. These are all really terrific, Paul!

  5. Just love this set of figures! Its my favourite from the whole Challenge! I've got some on the way to Blighty don't you know! Just need one of those telescopes!

    1. Cheers Ray, teh telescope is Wizkids, hopefully you can pick one up

  6. love those mate, great work on the telescopes!


  7. Great work on an unusual project.

  8. Fabulous civilian types! I particularly like the telescope. An unusual group but would be great for things like Sharp Practice, as you say 👍

    1. Cheers, I hope to start playing Sharp Practice again when we get back to the UK
