Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Madrigal Electromotive GmbH

I've been working on some more terrain for our Seven Days to the River Rhine games. Timecast do some great terrain to go with their Cold War range including some splendid industrial units.


The first I painted was the "Modern Industrial Unit - twin bay with ridged roof". From a grey primer basecoat left the roof as is, the walls are VMC Stone Grey, door frames etc. VMC Medium Blue.

After a wash of AP Strong Tone I reapplied the basecoats everywhere but the roof and added some highlights. The tarmac is just VMC Black Grey dirtied up with green and brown staining.

The second unit is the "Modern Industrial Unit - large single bay unit with flat roof and office area." this was done in the same colours as the other unit, with the brickwork in Saddle Brown.

The windows were done using a non-glassy glass technique.

Again the roof was not highlighted, being left dirty and stained. The "DDR" graffiti decal is from Debris of War 

The third base is the "Modular/portable building", again with a couple of the decals added. 

This time the Portakabin was done from a VMC German Camo Beige basecoat.

The last base for the site is made up of left over pieces from the 20th Century Industrial Accessories pack, you can see that I used several of these components on the other bases and I think that they really capture the look I wanted.

The units are all based on 2mm MDF from Warbases and I can either use all four pieces as a single base, or build a couple of separate units.

I also picked up from Timecast three packs of the Minibits fencing to line our roads and demark some of our field boundaries.

With thirty pieces I have enough for just over 2m of fencing. It will not go far on my 6ft x 5ft table so will likely pick some more up next time.

Lastly I picked up some more terrain bases from Warbases, most have been done as bases for wooded areas, but I made a couple up as large ponds. The water effect is just PVA glue.

There are four more of the Timecast building on the painting table, and I think the terrain collection for our games is coming together quite well.


  1. Excellent! Terrain building time for you. I really need to do more of that...

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I think that if there is a low density of troops on the table then the game is made with the terrain. If you put loads of troops on the table terrain is secondary.

  2. Terrain really is the set dressing to our hobby. Nice job making it 'modern' in your color choices.

  3. This is really wonderful looking terrain Paul... Look forward to seeing BAOR or the Seventh Army battling the Soviet hordes across these buildings in the near future!

    1. Thanks, I do hope to be gaming on it again soon.

  4. Lovely looking terrain Paul…
    It’s actually quite hard to tell what scale it is from the photos…

    All the best. Aly

  5. Splendid looking industrial buildings!
    Best Iain

  6. They look superb and put the setting in the right time frame. Your painting, weathering and posters take the buildings to another level Paul.
