Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Gaslands: The fast ones!

I've been  taking the power tools to some Hot Wheels again, this time with a quartet of fast looking cars that I can use.

Electric Silhouette 

This first one was in a bag of spare cars that Mike B donated to me and I think is also currently available in the Hot Wheels advent calendar for 2021, although this much predates that paint job.

The driver is from the Corporate Team pack from North Star. I added minigun and rockets from the  Implements of Carnage One set, yes, I know only two build slots, maybe one is decorative.

I went for a simple black paint job with some orange decoration, I think this chap could fill into both Maxxine and Miyazaki if not a few others.

Astana Hotto

This one was picked up from B&M on a recent trip there and it screams Performance Car. 

The only armament I added was a single machine-gun from IoC-1 that mounted under the lighting array, I did a simple Purple paint job allowing this to fit into any of the performance teams.

But, I'm thinking that if I combine this with Rigor Motor below and add some bikes it will make a very passable Beverly sponsored team.

Rigor Motor 

Another find on the racks at B&M was this dragster mounted coffin thingy!

It had some super detail work already on the coffin, so, after painting it black and highlighting I picked out the skull again in a very thinned white highlight. Also, in the highlighting of the cockpit hood I did a subtle demon face that really does not show up so well in these picks, but I know it's there. 

With the Astana Hotto above I think I've got he foundations of a Beverly sponsored team.


Last but not least, probably my favourite build so far. The original Hot Wheels model is a perfect jump off point.

The two crew are from the Wasteland Warriors set from North Star, I quite like the guy hanging out of the window with his assault rifle.

I took the IoC-1 engine and chained a turbo charger onto the top of it then added a machine-gin from that set too. Additional armour was made from plasticard, but I think that maybe my rivets are much too large. A bumper and additional armour were made from I-beams to complete the build.