Wednesday, 2 February 2022

4th Maine Infantry Regiment

 Because of previous rules sets played, my collection of Union troops for the American Civil War contains quite a lot of stands of troops, but not a lot of command stands. As I'm now playing mainly Pickett's Charge or Longstreet I need to get some more command painted, but don't need that many infantry.

So, this entry looks like a small unit representing the 4th Maine Infantry Regiment, but once some of the surplus stands already in the collection are added it will be fielded at a more normal six to ten stand strength.

All the figures come from the American Civil War Union Infantry 1861-65 set of plastics, and I've assembled these infantry in this unit at right shoulder shift.

The pair standards are from GMB Designs.

Looks like a made a bit of a mess of basing though, that guy with the red neckerchief seems to be wandering off to his left, the sergeants need to get that sorted!


  1. Excellent command stand. Not everyone marches in-step. Base composition looks good. In my 10mm ACW project, I have the opposite issue. Old basing scheme had too many command stands and I am painting more troop stands.

    1. American soldiers don't march anyway.....they walk! Granted, it may have been different 150 years ago!

    2. Thanks Jonathan, we'll reach a balance one day

  2. Very nice indeed Paul…
    Maybe your chap with the red neckerchief has seen a really important thing he has to deal with… instead of being shot at.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, I find being shot at low on my list of priorities too

  3. The Civil War is one where you can use different command stands for different units. This is a great example of what you get when swapping. Great stuff, take care.

  4. These are really very nice indeed Paul, I really like the shades of blue you have used, they are so vibrant!
