Wednesday, 27 April 2022

More Deffkopters


More rusty flying junk for Waaagh Scrivs. 

My usual opponents will no doubt be thrilled to find out I've added another trio of Deffkopters to Waaagh Scrivs.

I've continued with the shabby chic rusty look that prevails throughout the force, and I think that as I was no longer in a hurry to get boots on the table these are probably quite a bit better painted than the earlier trio. 

The first Deffkopter is armed with Kopta Rokkits which after the Skorcha are probably the best ranged weapon in any Orks arsenal.

When I painted the original batch, I assembled the pilot and painted in-situ, for these I learned the lesson and painted the pilot components separately and assembled after painting.

Deffkopta number two also has the same loadout.

The third Kopta has a Kustom mega-blasta and a Big Bomb, although this load-out is an extra five points over the Kopta Rokkits in my limited games s far, I've not found a situation where this would be the preferable load out. 

I plan to put this trio into action in tomorrow evenings game.