Monday, 8 April 2013

Another unit of Berber Spears

Over the weekend I managed to speed paint another unit of Berber spearmen and bowmen, again these are all Gripping Beast models with a leader, standard bearer, two musicians, ten spearmen and seven bowmen.

Again the standards are just based upon a Google image search for Arabic Poetry to get the flow of the characters.

Third unit of Berber infantry

Third unit of Berber infantry

Third unit of Berber infantry
 I have put the four units that I have painted so far together just to give an idea of what is done so far, three units of 21 infantry and a unit of 9 cavalry.

More Berbers


  1. Nice paintjob.
    Impressive to see them all together.

  2. Paul:

    Very nice looking army - not something you see all the time. So I assume they're based for both HC and WAB? Great in any case. Best, Dean

  3. Thank you both. Dean, they are intended for both Hail Caesar and WAB, although to get the most from them in WAB I think I will have to add another rank of spears to each unit. I should have enough figures to do that though.
