Sunday, 7 April 2013

Just a few more Japanese infantry

This weekend I finished off the bases on another eight Japanese infantry from The Assault Group that I have painted over the last ten days or so and I also re-based the last 50mm mortar to match the others I re-did last month. In the latest batch are a couple of snipers that I have based individually this time so that they can be used instead if the sniper teams in the last update take a casualty, there is also a very nice scout with Type 100 SMG that will become one of my section leaders.

The Japanese are getting into quite a collection now with 80 figures in there. It's back to painting 14th Army this week again.

That scout that will make a great section leader


  1. Great looking japanese unit :)

  2. Thank you, more British to fight against them on the table at the moment.

  3. What scale are they, im looking for some substitutes for fow rising sun

  4. They are 28mm, I'm pretty much out of 15mm WWII now.
