Thursday, 17 April 2014

Another Spanish dwelling

Following on from my earlier two buildings ( here and here ) I have made another one. The method is the same, a 8"sq of hardboard, foamcore, Wills pantiles, scrap cardboard and coffee stirrers. Coated in Vallejo Pumice Get and then painted from a base-coat of Dulux 'Dutch Gold 3'

This one has not suffered so much graffiti as the others, but if I can get a suitable dead figure I plan to do a little vignette on the space at the side of the building.

Keen eyed viewers will notice that this time the ropey builders managed to put a chimney on it. I also did some damaged render by drawing the stones in biro on the back wall and not rendering the area with the Pumice Gel.

Also, I was using a lot of Vallejo Field Drab on the bases, so I took a sample to Homebase and had a tester pot of Dulux 'Pebble Mosaic 3' mixed up.

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