Monday, 14 December 2020

KGL with and without the visor


As I alluded in the last post on the blog I have purchased myself a LumiVisor for painting and this stand this week is a good illustration of the different results you can get.

The figure on the front left (ramming his musket) was painted a few weeks ago, using just my magnifier light, whilst the rest of the figures on the stand were painted this week. I can certainly see a difference in the brush control, especially on the face and on the piping.

The model I picked up off Amazon was a Carson LV10 and came in at under $30.00 

These were painted using just my standard distance prescription (+2.5) and the 2X magnification. I found if I use my "reading" prescription (+4.25) that the focal length is too short to use and I'm painting practically at the end of my nose.

You do look a bit of a tit wearing it though :)

I also need to work on my "Not crashing it into my daylight lamp" skills.

These four figures are helping me clear the decks for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge that starts in just over a week - cannot wait!


  1. Great looking figures...and tool, I'll have the same one for Christmas!

  2. I might give one of those a try

    1. I was sceptical, but I think the improvements are worth it
      - at least to my old eyes.

  3. With the way age is starting to affect my eyes, looks like a good idea!

    1. I'd recommend it. I just need to work on my spacial awareness skills.
