Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Crumpin' into a storm of steel

Thursday was another outing for the Orks, this time against Matt and his Crimson Fists. 

Both forces were 750pts. I had my force of Warboss in Mega Armour, Runtherd, 10 Grots, unit of 14 Boyz, unit of 17 Boyz, 3 Deffkopters, Deff Dredd with 4 Dread Klaws. Matt had (IIRC), Captain, 5 Marines with Plasma, 5 Marines with Assault Bolters, 5 Marines with Heavy Bolters, Dread with Gatling Cannons, Trike with Heavy Bolters.

We randomized the Ransack mission and got set up. Matt was quite concerned about my Deffkopters so when I deployed them behind the building, Matt deployed a lot of his troops on his right flank, although my Kopters would be more vulnerable than I hoped this had a positive impact on the battle for me.

Matt won the first turn and opened up with everything, by the end of the first turn my ablative Grots and my right flank Boyz were gone and one off the Deffkopters was dead. I would not be advancing into that firing line.

In my first turn everything went hide behind over, I would at least make Matt move to be able to unleash that firepower on me again, my Deff Dread was most advanced, hiding behind a building waiting to get the jump on the Assault Bolter Marines. In his turn, Matt moved up but was no longer in such a target rich environment. 

At the start of my turn I bagged fifteen points for the objectives, and called a Waaagh. The Deff Dredd lumbered into the Assault Bolter Marines and the remaining Boyz piled onto the Trike, by the end of the turn I'd mashed up two of the Marine units and extended the range to the other Marines. In his turn Matt shot up the Deff Dredd and caused some mayhem among the remaining Boyz but they survived.

I spent the remaining turns hiding behind terrain from Matt's gun-line, but, having bagged fifteen points in objectives earlier and with Matt deploying in a position that was advantageous for shooting, but not so for scoring objective points I won the game in a most un-Orky way.


  1. Yoo woz ‘idin an sneakin’ abowt? 😳 Yool be doin’ stuff like taktiks an wotnot next 🙄
    Glad you had fun! 😂

  2. I have no idea what these are but the game looks good!

  3. Looking as great fun game ( playing Orks always is a full of fun) !

  4. Not my cup of Rosie but it looks splendid.

    1. Cheers Phil, I did no think it would be mine either

  5. Always fun to see the Boyz in action. I stand with Ray's comment.

  6. Cheers for the game Paul, it was a lot of fun. I wasn't expecting to take out so many Boyz that first turn! Then getting bogged behind a big building gave you the chance to get out of range the big guns, but still hold that second objective. I also made the mistake of not targeting the runtherd as he managed to bag an objective as well! Still, nothing more Crimson Fisty than shooting loads of Orks and still losing! Cheers!(matt)

    1. Thanks Matt, it was a good game, but probably a bit boring for you after I mashed up your units ready to contest objectives and hid.
      Looks like I can do the 31st now if you want another crack at them.
