It's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge time again and I am making a better effort to update Scrivsland with my entries
First up a group of four gunfighters from the Western Characters II set from Brigade Games, shameful admission, these were prepared and primed ready for Challenge XIV and have languished in the "I'll make a start on them pile" for over a year now.
Lively characterful figures sculpted by Hicksy and based on the Deadwood TV series. These four are Calamity Jane, Silas Adams, Wild Bill Hickok and Tom Nutall. Seth Bullock is hopefully going to be painted for a upcoming post!
While visiting the UK in May I attended the Partizan Show and picked up a load of goodies from Great Escape Games, the gunfighters I bought are all painted earlier this year, but the General Purpose Wagon was saved for the challenge.
It's a characterful addition to the collection.