Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Showing posts with label Perry Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perry Miniatures. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 March 2024

Union skirmishers and artillery

Todays post is a milestone, I have had a good search of the pile o'shame and this little lot wraps up entirely the last of my unpainted American Civil War figures!

The crew for the gun are from Crusader Miniatures, while the gun itself is one off of the Perry Miniatures plastic frame. I'm pretty sure that there may be another pack of these gunners somewhere but I could not find them.

Rooting through the boxes I also found a couple of frames of Union Skirmishers so these were quickly assembled, primed and painted.

While editing the photos, I saw that there is a lot of static grass still clinging to the figures, I've since attacked them with a stiff brush and they look a bit better although some stubbornly remains.

I did say that these are the last of the unpainted ACW figures and I now have eight 4L Really Useful Boxes full of painted ACW stuff, but I'm now eyeing up an order of "just a few" Sash and Sabre, oh dear! 


Thursday, 29 February 2024

A pair of French six-pounders

A diversion from the American Civil War painting this week and a foray back to the Napoleonics collection with a couple of French 6-pounder cannons added to the Hundred Days forces.

The imminent release of General d'Armee 2 has got me wanting to paint Napoleonics. 

I usually represent my batteries with three guns, but an audit of the collection last year showed I had a spare French gun painted, so these two were purchased to make up to battery strength.

Both models are the Perry Miniatures Foot Artillery priming 6 pounder (greatcoats) and are lovely characterful sculpts.

A couple of close-up shots of each gun.

I made bit off a boo-boo when sticking this one together and the right wheel is very pigeon-toed, fortunately not obvious in these camera angles.

Friday, 16 February 2024

ACW Generals (3)

Following on from the recent Union command stands, this week the Confederates get some of their own.

The first command stand features General Robert E. Lee in conversation with Major-General Henry Heth.

General Robert E. Lee and Major-General Henry Heth

I probably mounted Heth a little too far back on the base and Lee a little too far forwards. It looks like Heth is talking to Lee but avoiding eye contact, maybe some difficult questions about "Why sir, are we on this field at all?"

General Robert E. Lee and Major-General Henry Heth

Lee's horse is my first attempt at a dappled grey, I think I need a bit more practice.

General Robert E. Lee and Major-General Henry Heth

The next base features Lt.-General James Longstreet and Major-General J.E.B. Stuart already aware of Lee's ire at Heth, Stuart likely seeks out Longstreet.

Lt.-General James Longstreet and Major-General J.E.B. Stuart 

I got a bit confused and the Longstreet model is actually the Hood model from the pack, I think it's a good fit anyways.

Lt.-General James Longstreet and Major-General J.E.B. Stuart 

All the models of the generals in this post are from the two Perry Miniatures packs; ACW46 Confederate mounted Commanders and ACW47 Confederate mounted Commanders 

Lt.-General James Longstreet and Major-General J.E.B. Stuart

Lt.-General James Longstreet and Major-General J.E.B. Stuart

The next command stand this time features Major-General George E. Pickett

Major-General George E. Pickett

This stand and the next are finished off with a couple of infantrymen left over from the Virginia firing line that I did a few weeks ago. The figures are from the ACW39 Confederate Infantry command standing pack.

Major-General George E. Pickett

The standard is from GMB Designs. I noticed when preparing the photos that it's gone a little chalky, so before putting the figures away for a future battle I've given it a coat of gloss varnish to hopefully sort that out. 

Major-General John B. Hood

More astute observers will notice that from the Perry website this model is actually supposed to represent General Longstreet, what can I say, I got a little confused, the real General Hood model will do duty as Longstreet.

Major-General John B. Hood

Major-General John B. Hood

Ten command stands over the past few weeks is likely plenty, back to painting rank and file for the next few posts.

Saturday, 3 February 2024

ACW Generals (2)

Following up from last weeks post, I've added the final three Union commanders for the American Civil War collection. 

The first three were accompanied by colonels, this time they are accompanied by various infantrymen from the American Civil War Union Infantry command frame. 

These represent Major-General George Sykes, Major-General Winfield S. Hancock and Major-General Oliver Otis Howard.

Major-General George Sykes

George Sykes commanded V Corps at Gettysburg, assuming command just a few days before the battle. I've added a officer and drummer to complete the vignette.

Major-General George Sykes

Major-General George Sykes

Major-General Winfield S. Hancock

Winfield Scott Hancock commanded the left wing of the Union army at the Battle of Gettysburg and was in command of the Union troops facing Pickett's charge.  I've accompanied him with a bugler from the Union infantry set.

Major-General Winfield S. Hancock

Major-General Winfield S. Hancock

Major-General Oliver Otis Howard

Oliver Otis Howard "Old Prayer Book" lost his right arm at the Battle of Seven Pines but continued to command through the war and commanded XI Corps at Gettysburg.

Major-General Oliver Otis Howard

Major-General Oliver Otis Howard

And today I'm off to play some Picketts Charge with chums, first game of the year!

Friday, 26 January 2024

ACW Generals


My American Civil War collection has grown in size over the years from a Sharp Practice force in 2017 to being able to play some sizeable engagements with Longstreet and Picketts Charge of late, but my generals for both sides have remained rather bland single officer figures on 40mm round bases. 

I'd decided that this should change so when my parents asked what I wanted for my birthday last year I suggested some of the personality packs from Perry Miniatures and am giving the Union and Confederate forces some more impressive command stands this time around.

The first three completed represent Major General George G. Meade, Major General Daniel Edgar Sickles and Major General Abner Doubleday.

Major General George G. Meade

George G. Meade is accompanied by a staff officer from the mounted Colonels set. 

After cleaning up they are a lovely set of characterful figures to paint.

Major General George G. Meade

Major General George G. Meade

Major General Daniel Edgar Sickles

Daniel Sickles, is also accompanied by a colonel on a rearing horse from the same pack, the rearing horse gives a great sense of movement to the vignette, the galloper returning with urgent news of the developing situation.

Major General Daniel Edgar Sickles

Major General Daniel Edgar Sickles

Major General Abner Doubleday

Abner Doubleday is also accompanied by a mounted colonel discussing strategy. 

With the exception of Doubleday's horse, which is done in Citadel Contrast Colour, everything else is painted in Vallejo Model Colour with Army Painter washes. 

Abner Doubleday may, or may not have invented baseball!

Major General Abner Doubleday

Major General Abner Doubleday

More American Civil War generals to come soon.