Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Prussian reinforcements (5)


I woke up with the lurgy this weekend so the drive to paint with a cough and runny nose was somewhat curtailed, but the Prussian Production Line rolled on to the end*

The last two battalions of infantry, the first one representing a unit of Grenadiers.

All the figures in the post are from Baccus6mm while the bases are all a custom order from Warbases. I had magnet holes in the bases so that the small figures get no additional lift.

The second unit a battalion of reservists.

There were enough Landwehr skirmishers for another four bases, I did a couple of bases in blue coats with light blue facings and a couple in grey coats with red facing.

There were enough six pounders and an howitzer to complete a fifth battery of artillery.

The last few troops are another four artillery limbers.

*This represents the last few Prussians in the backlog, there are a few Landwehr infantry that could be used to add to Brigade command stands but I don't have any commanders to mount with them.

Coming soon, the start of the French to oppose them.


  1. Such tiny chaps, yet so well painted!

  2. More Prussian loveliness, your army will look superb on the table, looking forward to seeing the French.

  3. This project looks amazing!!! I am using 10mm Wargaming Company figures but may take another look at 6mm. Fantastic work!!!
