Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Star Wars: Legion - 3D printed Moff Gideon, The Client and Droids

 I've been enjoying the AHPC again this year and some recent bonus rounds have given me the opportunity to paint up some more stuff for the Star Wars: Legion collection.

Falling through the Great Abyssal we alight at Cybertron where a couple of maintenance droids immediately start their task on preparing the ship for departure. Towering over them a bounty hunter droid scans the disembarking passengers for his mark.

Fortunately we are not staying on Cybertron and immediately catch the next shuttle to our arranged meeting with The Client on Nevarro.

There is certainly something Machiavellian about The Clients motives, he's offering far too much for far too little, this is not going to be as easy as it initially appears.

Onwards to LV432 and our final destination of this post. 

Moff Gideon,  Ra's al Ghul, Gus Fring  and many others, whenever Giancarlo Esposito joins a series you can be sure that things are going to go really badly for our hero. It was a really, really bad idea even coming here and I'll be lucky to get out intact!

All the figures are 3D prints and were gifted to me by my good friend Drew.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Star Wars: Legion IG-11 and the Child "You are protected."

"You are protected."

Before we left Madison, chum Drew gifted me some droids that he has printed on his Elegoo Mars and I painted a few of them back in February

This week I managed to finish off another, IG-11 with the Child, modelled from the Chapter 7: The Reckoning  

It's a great model and really captures the scenes from the episode where IG-11 engages in a firefight with the Child in papoose.

It's a very delicate model and I already broke off the blaster arm and had to re-glue it, so this chap is probably going to be more of a display piece than a gaming model.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Star Wars: Legion - 3D printed droids

Chum Drew has recently bought an Elegoo Mars and when we recently met up for a socially distanced walk he handed me a bag of droids he'd printed off for me to paint up and add to the Star Wars: Legion collection.

These are the first five, there are a similar amount in the backlog that will hopefully get done in a future post.

A C-3PO, I already have one of these from the Escape Pod set, so this one was done in silver. Unfortunately, when painting the base I managed to knock his left arm off that pinged into the distance and remains unfound.

Usually seen scuttling around star-ships and large facilities, this mouse droid is probably going to find the Batuu terrain of our battlefields a little hard on his tiny wheels.

A C1 Astromech (thanks Laffe)

I already have a R2-D2 from the "Escape  Pod" set so, this one was done in a predominantly beige and yellow scheme as a generic R2 unit.

There is something about the GNK "Gonk" power droids that I really like, with a Gonk, you'll never be without a charge for your communicator.

These probably are not the droids you were looking for.

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Star Wars: Legion - AT-ST (by Mrs Scrivs)


A doting husband just know the perfect gifts for his wife, flowers, chocolates, Imperial war machines, all help you maintain that special place in their heart.

A couple of months ago I put a Star Wars: Legion AT-ST under the tree for her and this week Victoria finished her paint job on it.

As it is so huge, instead of painting it as a vehicle she took the approach of painting it instead as if she was doing a large terrain piece like the Droid Depot that she recently did.

From a basecoat of grey primer she worked up a battered, battle damaged and stained finish that I think came out excellently.

It really is imposing at about 8" tall and no doubt will cause great destruction amongst my rebels in our upcoming games. 

The kit comes with a couple of weapons options, so we left the mounts unglued, this shot is of the 88 Twin light blaster cannon. 

While this shot close ups the Mortar launcher and the DW-3 Concussion grenade launcher.

We have been playing 700 points lately, but with this addition we can take it to the next level and easily do about 900 points each. 

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Star Wars: Legion - Not quite the return of the Jedi

Victoria and I played Star Wars: Legion again on Saturday and my Rebels managed to get a draw, I think the best result that they have returned in about a year!

Victoria's Empire force was pretty much the same force she always uses, just a few equipment swap-outs. I picked a Rebel force led by Cassian Andor assisted by K2S0.

We would be playing the Key Positions objective with the Major Offensive deployment with Clear Conditions.

A few shots from the game.

Based on how much they have hurt me in previous games, I'd managed to take out the Imperial Scouts and Speeder bikes very early on. 

I also took down Boba Fett before he managed to cause too much havoc, although Combat Stims kept him in the game for another turn.

Cassian Andor did take quite a hit early on, but the medical droid kept him in the game.

On turn 6 I suggested to Victoria that she could force a draw if she hid behind and touching the hill with her remaining leader from a Stormtrooper unit.

At the end of the game the Imperials had lost many more troops than the Rebel Alliance, but with three objectives each it would be a draw.

We hope to play again this weekend.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Star Wars: Legion - Vital Assets


Back in June I picked up the Vital Assets set as it was released, I stuck them together, primed them and they have been sat on the painting table ever since watching the Napoleonic stuff get painted.

After last weeks game where we used the mines in a primed state I decided that it was time to crack on and get them all finished.

The mines were all base-coated in VMC Black Grey then dry-brushed up with first VMC Basalt Grey and then VMC Pale Grey, the keypads etc. picked out in Ivory, Flat Red & Flat Green.

The repulsor pallets were done off a base of VMC French Horizon Blue, while some crates off of Black Grey, others off Basalt Grey and the last couple off of German Camo Beige. That was enough dry-brushing for the session so time to do some proper painting....

The first of the hostages in the set represents Riyo Chuchi a Galactic Senator from Pantoran.

Riyo Chuchi features in the Clone Wars series, so is rather early for our games set during the time of the Galactic Empire but is a fine model and lovely addition to our setup.

The clothing is worked up from a base of either VMC Violet or VMC Basalt Grey while the flesh is from a base of VMC Medium Blue.

The second hostage steps back even further along the timeline and represents Rune Haako a Neimoidian delegate from the Trade Federation.

He's an ugly, drab fellow as befits his role and this sculpt really reflects the character from the films in the opening trilogy.

I wanted a dull purple colour for his robes and headgear so mixed VMC Violet with Black for the basecoat and highlighted up adding a touch more Violet to each layer. His drab green robes are off of VMC Brown Violet.

The flesh was done off a base of VMC Medium Fleshtone and VMC Neutral Grey, highlighted up with a dot of Ivory added to each successive layer.

I've really enjoyed doing these and they made a nice little diversion from all the Napoleonics, however, it's now time for me to go back to another unit of Anglo-allied troops.

Monday, 7 September 2020

Star Wars Legion: More "Pew Pew Pew"

Victoria and I last played Star Wars: Legion back in April and it was really time we started playing again so Thursday evening we cleared the decks and set up another game.

Since we last played Victoria has painted this rather splendid 3D print of a Droid Depot that we picked up on Etsy, she's bloody good at this grimy Sci-fi look.

The droids for sale are from the rest of the collection not being used in the game. K2-SO is on the roof for effect.

The rest of the terrain was laid out and the mission generated.

Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators in a Minefield with Disarray, should be fun! The forces used this time were almost identical to when we played last time.

We were quite late starting and fairly rusty with the rules so only got a couple of turns in on Thursday evening, finishing off on the Friday. 

The Rebels were early to the party an started removing damage from the vaporators while the Empire soon joined in the fun and started smashing stuff up.

Rebel commandos on the roof of the droid factory engaged heavily with Boba Fett, but he was very very good with his saving throws as usual and finished the game damaged but still in the fight, more than can be said for the commandos

Boba Fett had chosen Princess Leia's subordinate as his mark, getting wind of this he wisely decided to hide out in the Droid Depot and give orders from there.

The scout bikes were soon doing laps of the Droid Depot, their suspensors allowing them to ignore the mines strewn around.

As usual, my Rebels put up a good fight but completely fail to capitalise, having this unit of Stormtroopers in their sights you can guess which unit finished the game on the table.

Krennic inspires his troopers, these chaps must have Beskar armour, even if they had made an average amount of saves they would not have been here at this stage of the game.

Those speeder bikes do another lap of the Droid Depot taking a shot at the AT-RT

At the end of the game the Rebels have three Victory Tokens but the Empire have four of them, another Empire victory!

The Butchers Bill for the Empire. 

The Rebellion suffered significantly more casualties!

I did escape a force choke from Victoria though!