Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Showing posts with label West Gunfights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Gunfights. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Gunfighters and the start of an Old West town.


A much overdue update.

I've been meaning to get back into western gunfights for quite a while and have been eying up some games of What a Cowboy

When I was visiting the UK in May, at the Partizan Show I picked up quite a bit of stuff from Great Escape Games, including a pack each of Gunfighters and Gunfighters II.

They go together very well and although the faces don't suit my painting style you can churn them out quite quickly.

They come with a good mix of weapons and kit allowing a lot of variety.

Twenty gunfighters is likely more than enough for my needs, but I do already have some Brigade Games ones painted and still more in the backlog.

I was lucky enough to win a gift card from Northern Lights Terrain during the last Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge so I picked up a load of their lovely Old West terrain and have made a start.

Completed so far are all the boardwalk sections in the photos above plus three stores.

The signage and posters etc are available as a download from Sarissa Precision and look a lot better than anything I could free-hand.

There are more buildings and terrain in the backlog.

Just before we went on vacation I was able to get a game of What a Cowboy in with chum Seth. Great fun with more to follow.