Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Hundred Years War: French (17)

Danecon is approaching soon and I'm putting on a Hundred Years War game and reckon that I really should add a few more Men at Arms to the collection, so a quick order into Noble Knight Games and last Saturday I picked up another box of Perry Miniatures Agincourt Foot Knights.

I sat out on the deck in the sun and got them assembled then applied some Vallejo pumice gel to the bases and gave a coat of acrylic grey primer.

These figures really are lovely to paint and as usual I do mine in small batches of four figures so you'll see a common palette across the collection, but as the figures in the units units get mixed up during games the units become more random, which is the look I am aiming for. 

Of the 36 models these are the first twelve painted and based, but the rest of the figures all are painted to some degree, ranging from, 'just need the bases finishing' right through to only got the armour blocked in so another blog post cannot be too far away.

My game at Danecon is not until 26th July so plenty of time to complete the other two units and I may even try to get some more English Longbow done too.

The only issue I have at the moment is storage, all my Really Useful Boxes are full and I don't have space in my current setup to store any more, may be time to rethink the storage space. 

 Here are some close-ups of the individuals. I've tried to make them quite generic and usable as either English or French so left off the Orles, Cross of St. Denis, Cross of St. George etc. although a few of them definitely have a Scottish look to them, maybe a need to sort out a Battle of Verneuil game in the future.


  1. Tudieu, ces Français sont magnifiques mon ami!

  2. I've been really enjoying watching these armies grow.
    When do we get to see them on table?

    1. Cheers, there are a few reports in the backlog:

  3. Another splendid addition Paul, nice understated bright colours.

  4. Great looking MAA! Lovely pallet of colours!
    Best Iain

  5. Wonderful brushwork on those wonderful Perry HYW plastics, Scrivs. Lovely heraldry too!

  6. Lovely toys Paul...
    They look just about ready to face an arrow storm... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly, we ran a test on Wednesday evening and although they braved the arrow storm they did not fare so well.
