Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Friday 18 October 2024

Prussian Napoleonics starter force for General D'Armee


Followers of the blog will know that I've got quite the collection of 28mm Napoleonics for the Hundred Days campaign and have been playing quite a lot of General D'Armee and since their release General D'Armee 2.

Back at Adepticon, Ed and I were having a chat about playing in a smaller scale, it's great to break out 20 Really Useful Boxes of figures on a 12ft x 6ft table, but it does not really lend itself to pickup games. Ed mentioned that he was getting some 6mm Anglo-Allied and French, I already have these forces in 28mm so decided to paint some Prussians.

I've been making steady progress over the past few months and now am "game ready" for my first outing on Saturday.

There are now 15 battalions of foot, 3 regiments of horse and three batteries of artillery and a substantial skirmish screen painted. In the backlog are another 9 battalions of foot, more skirmishers, limbers and caissons plus 5 regiments of horse and a couple more batteries.

Hussars and 9pdr battery

Landwehr and Reserve skirmishers

Skirmishers, Musketeers, Dragoons and Artillery

Commanders with ADCs in the midst

Another parcel has today arrived from Baccus and after wrapping up the Prussians I'll be making a start on some French to oppose them.

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