Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

Copyright © 2011-2024, Paul Scrivens-Smith

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator.

Sunday 27 October 2024

Prussian reinforcements (1)


Fresh from the inspiration of last weeks game I've been working on some more Prussians for the 6nn Napoleonic collection. All the miniatures are from the Baccus 6mm range with bases from Warbases.

4th West Prussian Dragoons

Another regiment of Dragoons were added, these represent the 4th West Prussians adding to the 8th Magdeburg Dragoons that I already painted.

4th West Prussian Dragoons

A new unit for the force is a regiment of Elbe Landwehr cavalry.

Elbe Landwehr cavalry

With the Dragoons and Landwehr cavalry completed  can now field the 7th Brigade from the Divisional support options in General d'Armee 2.

Elbe Landwehr cavalry

The final unit this week is a battalion of East Prussian Landwehr with red facings. It's small progress towards the 6th Brigade option of 5 battalions of Enthusiastic Landwehr, three more to go!

2nd Battalion 2nd East Prussian Landwehr

Up close the individuals are a bit rough, but en-masse they look good enough.

2nd Battalion 2nd East Prussian Landwehr

One of the "cheats" I have been doing for painting 6mm is to get a pack of Sharpie Creative Markers. These paint pens are a lot less of a faff for adding the straps on the backpacks. They are also great for cleaning up the cut white edge on the flags. 

2nd Battalion 2nd East Prussian Landwehr

Now that I'm up to 16 battalions of foot and five regiments of horse I'm able to field a Divisional Organization as both an attacker and a defender.

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