I finally finished off a lot of the 8th Army and Afrika Korps troops I had been working on over the back end of last year but never got around to photographing them. While I had the camera out today to take the pictures of the Napoleonics that I had finished I took the opportunity to take photographs of a few of the troops I had been working on.
All the vehicles are
GHQ and the infantry are
DAK Panzer III Kompanie |
DAK Schutzen Kompanie |
British 25-pdr battery |
British A9 Cruiser Squadron |
British 2-pdr battery |
British Infantry battalion |
Hopefully, I'll get the chance to play some BlitzKreig Commander with them soon. So many games to play, so little time.
They look good. I've got a pile of GHQ waiting for CWC for North Africa but with GHQ figs. May look at some of the Adler as well but keep them on separate bases. I love the GHQ models. They paint up really easily and look great.
Thanks, I really like the Adler infantry, lots of detail and character in them. I think I was put off by the original GHQ infantry. The GHQ armour, vehicles and guns are excellent though.