Today I finished off the last few models for my El Cid Christian Spanish.
Just before Hot Lead at
Gripping Beast I completed my unit of Catalan Mercenary Spearmen, but did not get around to taking any photos of them, so here are three shots of the 21 Mercenary Spear. All these models are from the
Perry Miniatures First Crusade range.
21 Catalan Mercenary Spearmen |
21 Catalan Mercenary Spearmen
21 Catalan Mercenary Spearmen
I also finished off the last three cavalry figures two suitable as Caballeros or Caballeros Hildagos and one suitable as Caballeros Villanos or Jinette
Three Cavalry |
Three Cavalry
There was a Foot Captain and Standard Bearer remaining from one of the command packs.
Captain and Standard Bearer |
Captain and Standard Bearer
Captain and Standard Bearer
I also used up some spare kite shields and a pack of
Muslim Dead and Wounded to make up some casualty markers for when we start playing 'Hail Cid', our 'Hail Caesar' variant for this period.
40 x 40mm Muslim Casualty and a Sudanese carrying a wounded Caballeros |
50x25mm Casualty markers from spare shields |
50x25mm Casualty markers from Arab archer and Sudanese spearman |
20x40mm Casualty markers from spare shields |
And finally, I may have failed a bit on my 'No New Projects' promise as yesterday I acquired about 150
Gripping Beast Almohavids. Here is a spare Perry Miniatures casualty figure that I have done as tester.
I'm a very bad person and will never polish off the lead mountain |
I'm a very bad person and will never polish off the lead mountain |
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