Yesterday evening I James and I had a game of Spanish Civil War using Chain of Command and I got to use both the recently painted Falangists and the flexible gaming mat I made for the first time.
We set up the table as per the aerial photograph and were on to the game. I would be using my Falange Espanol, while James was using his International Brigade, picked from the EPR list. As there was a force difference of 4 I boosted my troops with a Flag and the Cara El Sol option.
I rolled a five for force support and chose to add a section of trusty Moroccan Regulares, to cries of 'crutch' from the peanut gallery. James spent his two points adding an LMG to each of his sections. I rolled up Force Morale 10, James rolled an 11 - bugger.
The Patrol Phase was played out and the Republican jump-off points are shown in red while the Nationalists are shown in blue.
The Republicans double-sixed their first phase and were able to get a solid defensive line in place before the Nationalists were even on the field of battle. I rolled my first phase and deployed the Sub-jefe and a section of Falange on the left out of site of the Republicans. I was not getting much joy with the Command Dice, that section on my left continued to advance through the woods while the Moroccans were deployed from the jump-off on my left and were soon ensconced in the hedge bottom trading shots with the two Republican LMG teams. As they were in the open, one of the LMG teams was soon destroyed, but the casualties were mounting on the Moroccans - lots of sixes being rolled on the casualty table. Soon one of the Moroccan squads was broken and the Sergento was dead. My Force Morale started to plummet.
The Command dice rolls for the Nationalists did not go very well at all this game, although the Republicans also had some dreadful rolls - in fact all game I never maintained the phase once.
The second section of Falange were finally deployed on my left to support the section that was now deployed at the wood edge and engaged with the Republicans to the front and their right flank, organising the troops the Sub-Jefe was shot down dead and I had to use a Chain of Command dice to avoid the Force Morale test. The Jefe ran over to the Moroccans to rally off some of the shock and merge the survivors together but was hit and took a wound for his efforts.
Here are some more images of the game.
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